Archive for September, 2005
Carole Ann Sanders: 1943 – 2005
I am sad to say that my mother has passed on to whatever lies beyond, finally finding peace from the suffering of the last few months. Although it hurts tremendously there is comfort in knowing that she is with her parents, and her beloved sisters Arlene and Karen who she missed so much.
The world has been a sadder place ever since Mum started to suffer the symptoms of the brain tumour at the beginning of the year; her kindess, generosity and great spirit will be missed by all who knew her and loved her. She was all that one could hope for in a mother, wife and sister and those of us she leaves behind will feel an emptiness forever.
The Perfect Storm
Had a doosie of a storm overnight, I haven’t heard thunder so deafening and room shaking in a long time. Lots of lightening, too. Very cool. Made me think of my mother who hates thunder, she would always try to hide behind a pillow on the sofa so as not to hear the claps. The storm must have lasted a couple of hours, kept me awake (well, that and some other things). dbmini has some neat pictures of the stormy skies up his way.
PS. In case you haven’t guessed I did not win the $250M lottery jackpot.
Winning This Week’s Lottery
With the MegaMillions lottery now at $250M I bet there are plenty of people out there planning on buying a ticket. According to my calculations you would end up with about $70M in your pocket after taxes. Now that’s pretty sweet, more than enough to buy my dream plane, the Cirrus SR-22 GTS. Though with that money, maybe I’d buy one of the new personal jets!
Anyway, I thought I’d post a link to this article with some tips and information about playing the lotto. Remember, you have next to no chance of winning, so just send me your $bill directly and skip the middle man!
I Still Don’t Get It
So today, Apple unveiled their new cell phone/iPod dealie, the ROKR E1, which will allow you to store up to 1000 songs on your phone:

But I don’t get it, why do I want to listen to music on my cell phone? Most of the time, the call sounds terrible so why try and play music on such a device? Same thing with video phones – why would I want to watch Batman Returns on a 1″ screen?? Of course, its a cool looking phone and will no doubt sell like hot cakes.
In more interesting news, check out the iPod Nano, the new ultra-small colour iPod:

Now that is something I wouldn’t mind having on my hip.
Swarm City
Right now I’m missing out on an earthquake swarm out in the Imperial Valley. It started yesterday afternoon with a few quakes in the 3.0 – 4.6 range and there have been constant small tremors every 10-15 minutes since then. According to the recent earthquakes page they just had another 3.0 which according to Teri lasted quite a long time. I was in the Valley a couple of years ago for my first swarm and I can’t say I enjoyed it much – small shakes every 10 minutes combined with a few larger tremors over several hours was something new. Hopefully it is not the beginning of the Big One.