Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for February, 2007

Single of the Week – Massive Attack

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Guess I’ve not had much to say this last week or two. I still don’t, so here’s a great music track to keep you occupied until I do. Ladies and gentlefolk, presenting Massive Attack and Live With Me.

Written by admin

February 28th, 2007 at 9:40 am

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Important Bathroom Survey

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Written by admin

February 16th, 2007 at 9:54 am

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Single of the Week

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An absolute classic from the 80s, grab the full 12″ version if you can find it – Venceremos by Working Week. Great latin club beat and a protest song to boot so you can feel double good getting your groove on. The following video is not super quality but any time Tracy Thorn sings live is ok by me.

P.S. Watch out for Tracy’s new album at the end of Feb. Yeah, probably only in the UK but it sounds good from the previews on her myspace page.

Written by admin

February 9th, 2007 at 10:34 am

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Getting More Expensive to Come to America

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The USCIS recently published a Proposed Rule to increase filing fees for immigration forms. If you have any idea about applying for some immigration-related benefit I suggest you do it before April when these might come into effect.

Form Old Fee Proposed Fee
N-400 Application for Citizenship $330 $595
I-485 Application for Permanent Resident Status $325 $905
I-140 Immigrant Worker Petition $195 $475
I-765 Employment Authorisation $180 $340
I-751 Application to Remove Condition of Residence $205 $465
I-829 Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions $475 $2,850

My N-400 is complete and awaiting a stamp, and a $330 cheque.

Written by admin

February 6th, 2007 at 9:29 am

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Trying Out the New Netflix Streaming Service

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As many of you already know, NetFlix has been rolling out it’s streaming service over the last month or so. On a whim last night I checked to see if it was available to me and it was. If you want to check for yourself, go to the Your Account link at the top of the page and then on the right there is was a link that was something like “tell me about streaming movies”.

I clicked to enable the service and was told I had to be using Internet Explorer! Wtf? I almost gave up right there, why are people still making websites that won’t run on FireFox? I managed to find IE on my laptop, went through the hoops (had to download a plugin or something) and was given some suggested movies to watch.

The really cool thing was that if you go to the Television category they have Little Britain, Doctor Who and Red Dwarf to watch, some great British TV! Check them out if you have a sense of humour.

Written by admin

February 2nd, 2007 at 7:40 am

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Maybe I Should Go PPV

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Got sent this image from the home camera this week:


If I was him, I’d be a little worried – the guy seems to have a fuzzy area where I am sure he wishes he was very unfuzzy. But science can do wonderful things so maybe it will turn out alright.

Between this and last year’s bikini-clad intruders I am definitely thinking I can set up my own pay-per-view site pretty soon. $19.95 a month anyone?

Written by admin

February 1st, 2007 at 8:27 am

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