Archive for September, 2009
Rubbish Directed Marketing
Are companies just not trying any more? Recently I bought a GPS from Amazon and now I keep getting emails about gps deals – isn’t it unlikely I’m in the market for another?
And Hotwire, booked a Hawaii hotel with them and keep getting “great” offers from them for another. Not only is their email pointless, it’s also usually rubbish – the “from” rate is never available.
Come on guys try a little.
I doubt there’s anyone who reads this who did not know that Teri and I went to Hawaii at the end of August. The lure of $10 roundtrip air fare and a free condo stay were hard to resist, especially compared with the other option we were considering: the dark wet Highlands of Scotland.
We flew to the Big Island where we spent a week touring around the island, spending most of the time in Teri’s parents’ Kailua cond but also with one night in Hilo so that we could check out the volcano at our leisure. After that we took an inter-island plane to Maui where we spent four days in a hotel exploring the area around Lahaina.
We did way too much to list it all here but some highlights:
- awesome sunsets
- delicious Mai Tai’s
- gorgeous beaches
- Kilauea
- Maui Ocen Centre
- standing at the southern most point of the USA
- and of course spending time with my sweet wife
There are a lot of photos to look at but all the ones I took are in my Hawaii 2009 Collection on Flickr. Teri has been uploading hers to Flickr also but she is not complete yet, I will post her link when she is done.