Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for September, 2010

Officially Old

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This week I had to renew my FAA 3rd Class Medical Certificate, an event that has to happen every two years once you get over 40, 40 being the official age from which everything goes downhill it seems. Everything was groovy until the vision test which I knew was going to be a toughie. I’ve had 20/20 vision all my life until the last couple of years. People told me that my eyesight would do downhill rapidly at 40 which I thought was kinda silly, everyone is different. But it seems not, my near vision has taken quite a hit in the last couple of years.

So I get to the eye machine and to my amazement I can read the bottom line each time, I’m doing great! But then the doc says “now for the near vision test”, first slide and I could feel my eyes go every which way but focussed. After my fail the doctor welcomed me to the “long arm club”. I got my certificate but it has been endorsed with “Must have available near vision correction lenses”. I think I am officially old.

Written by admin

September 3rd, 2010 at 7:52 am

Posted in General