Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for the ‘amsterdam’ tag

Travel Round Up

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I am finally done with the crazy travel of the last couple of weeks, and as much as I usually love to travel you won’t find me getting in a plane any time soon (unless it’s me at the controls). In the last 2.5 weeks I have flown on 11 flight legs, landing in Baltimore, New York, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, London, and Amsterdam. My business trip to Europe included just over 24 hours of actual flying time (plus who knows how much time waiting in airport lounges) but I spent only 21 hours in a work office or meeting!

Anyway, we had a really good time in New York and there may be some posts on that later. In the meantime, if you missed them you can check out some photos here and here.

Not much to report from the London and Amsterdam visits, least not much that isn’t prohibited by an NDA, but I did take a few snaps of my hotel and some of Amsterdam city. You can see these here.

So no more travel for a while, I think, though if I had gotten back from Europe a day or two earlier I probably would have been going to Seattle today for 2 days for some more meetings. I am definitely glad I am not.

Written by admin

October 12th, 2008 at 10:19 am

Posted in General

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