Archive for October, 2004
To Prop B or Not To Prop B?
Prop B is a California proposition appearing on next week’s ballot. At stake is whether a landfill at Gregory Canyon gets built or not. Like most propositions, both sides have numerous television spots contradicting each other, confusing the issues and making it difficult to take an opinion. However, the really confusing thing is that a yes vote for prop B is a no vote for the landfill. If people in Florida can’t manage to follow an arrow on a ballot to know which box to put their ‘X’ in, how will people understand that if they don’t want the landfill than they have to vote yes? Or if they want the landfill they have to vote no?
No single of the week this week. Instead, I’m picking an anti-single of the week. William Shatner has covered Pulp’s Common People and its really scary. You can check it out here if you dare.
RIP John Peel
Sad news from the homeland: radio legend John Peel is dead from a heart attack at age 65. Without him, and the others he inspired, British music would likely be nothing but Take That and Boys II Men.
Hooters in China
According to this article, the first Hooters in China opened Friday in Shanghai. If you go to the pictures contained in the article you will see just how wrong this is.
Happy 340th to the Royal Marines
Back from a weekend in Vegas, no matter how easy a weekend one has, it always leaves you feeling knackered. Saturday night in the Luxor, the lounge was invaded by British Royal Marines in full dress uniform, medals and all. My Dad commented to one that he was surely having no trouble scoring with the ladies in the uniform but the answer was no: instead, he had been asked to park cars, fetch drinks and been generally treated like a hotel employee! Typical of Vegas, I guess, low-class idiots abound. I wonder how many US marines in uniform would have been treated like a valet….
Saw the highest priced gas ever during the trip, $3.19 a gallon for premium.
Single of the Week
This week’s single of the week is the excellent Dry Your Eyes by The Streets. The Streets are an English hip-hop/garage/beat combo with two tunes in heavy rotation on U-Pop. Both are good but this one is my favourite.
I hear a lot of good tunes on U-Pop but never remember their names to go look them up. I wish the website would have a playlist or something I could go look at. Also, because a lot of the music is from outside the USA, getting hold of it on MP3 or AAC is near impossible. The Streets do not appear in the iTunes music store.
A New Way to Search
Well, you still have to type in a search string so its not quite a new way, but it is a new way to see the results. Snap is a new search engine from the guy who invented Google’s AdSense program. The difference between this and, say Google, is that you get a spreadsheet style results page where you can sort the results on popularity, pricing etc. For instance, take a look at this search for digital cameras.
It seems like we are getting a lot of new search engines these days though nothing that has displaced Google in my heart, yet.
A Good Week For Toys
It took a long time but we finally got our spa installed and working this week. Thanks to being out of town I am yet to enjoy it but Teri says it is pretty darned nice to relax in. It was a pretty frustrating experience having it put in but no more difficult, I am told, than any other experience with contractors.
In other toy purchases I finally caved and bought a big TV, the Sony KDF-50WE655, a 50″ rear-projection LCD screen. It is sweet!! I hate American football but even I had to admire it when Erin was watching the big game on Sunday. If it can make football look good, just think what it can do for my DVDs. Now to decide whether to sign up for High Defintion cable or not….
John McEnroe
Why the hell does this idiot have a prime-time talk show? He walks on at the beginning like he’s some big star, makes a few “I’m so humble” gestures to the crowd whilst clearly being anything but. Then his interviews and, ahem, comedy bits are as about as interesting and funny as having a favourite pet put to sleep.
And while we’re on the subject of people I can’t stand seeing on my TV, will someone please get Kerry and his Smithers-style lickspittle Edwards off my TV screen? I don’t care what they are saying, their gestures and smug ‘saviours of the human race’ expressions piss me off. If I had a vote in the USA I’d probably be a Democrat but whoever advised these two to act how they do should have to work on McEnroe’s lame-fest as punishment. Although I really don’t like Bush, hopefully I won’t have to see them after a few more weeks as I can’t afford to replace any more TVs. Hits the Big Time
Got my first mass spamming today. Some asswipe going by the handle of ‘texas holdem poker’ (and variants) posted a bunch of crap to my comments and, judging from the WordPress boards, also to many other WordPress users. I know I should be annoyed but frankly I’m flattered that anyone even knew this little blog was here.
Liquid Sunshine
It’s raining outside. Now this shouldn’t be blog-worthy but until Sunday it hadn’t rained in San Diego for 182 days, setting a ‘no rain’ record for the city. The previous record of 181 days was set just last year.
But there’s no need to worry folks, the eminent governments of the Western world assure you there is no global warming, no greenhouse gas problem. So keep running your gas guzzlers, wasting energy, not recycling etc as normal weather variations will be back just as soon as another random event occurs to fix it.