Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for April, 2005


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I stole this idea from the robot dude who stole it from someone else. I only keep my history for a day or two so I was missing some letters.

These are my URL ABCs:

Written by admin

April 28th, 2005 at 1:30 pm

Posted in General

Whats Your Prison Bitch Name???

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Find out by clicking here.

Sincerely, Bowel Boy(!)

Written by admin

April 28th, 2005 at 11:54 am

Posted in General

American Idol (Again)

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Ok, people, didn’t any of you read my Idol blog last week?? wtf, how is it that Scott was in the top 3, his talentless ass should be gone. And Constantine – not my favourite but no way was he #6 in this show. This show gets more of a joke every week of every season, and yet still I watch it. Argh!!!

Oh, and I lost a bet of a 6 pack of diet coke over Scott’s non-elimination, you all owe me.

Written by admin

April 27th, 2005 at 8:29 pm

Posted in Music,Rants

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Will it Fly? Sure Can!

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A hearty congratulations to Airbus today for the first flight of their massive A380 airplane. I can’t wait to see one up close although I’m not sure I want to be up so close to 800 other people for many hours. And just how long will it to take get on and off such a thing – can you imagine the mayhem at baggage claim.

Very cool though, a brand new airplane takes the skies – and its 60% British made!

Written by admin

April 27th, 2005 at 11:21 am

Posted in General

Music File Woes Solved

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Keen readers amongst you may remember that I lost all my music files in my recent hard drive crash but I am glad to say that this awesome piece of software has come to my rescue. Anapod Explorer lets you transfer files to and from your iPod as it were a regular Windows device. Plug it in to your PC and it appears in your Explorer like just another drive. It will let you manage playlists, stream your iPod music from your PC or even over the web! Here’s a comparison of Anapod and iTunes to help you out. I bought the Universal version and it really does rock.

Written by admin

April 26th, 2005 at 2:25 pm

Posted in Computing,Music

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Computer Woes

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I’ve managed to get my home PC working again, it appears that my reboot problems weren’t caused by a faulty driver install but instead by a massive hard drive failure. I was able to get the C drive back using chkdsk and 3 of my other 5 partitions are also working again. The two partitions that won’t repair are, naturally, the ones with all of my photos on and the all my music files.

Yep, 17.6G of music is currently lost. I do have all the music on my iPod and a friend tells me that she has a program that will recover the music back to the hard drive so maybe it is not lost yet. And amazingly I found a backup of my pictures from last April so they aren’t all gone.

And in the meantime I am downloading every file recovery program I can find in the hope that one of them will work. But I think the CHKDSK program has probably scrambled the partitions beyond recognition now so I’m not sure I have much hope.

Fry’s has a 200Gb drive for $69.99 after rebates, and a350GB for $149 right now, looks like I’ll have to go do some shopping.

Oh, a belated happy st georges day to you.

Written by admin

April 24th, 2005 at 11:28 am

Posted in Computing

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To the Voters of American Idol

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Dear pimply teenage girl, please stop voting for Scott and Anthony. Each week that I see them survive the vote, the voices in my head urging me to kill get louder and louder and I don’t know that I can refuse to obey them for much longer. So please, start voting for the people who can (a) sing a note and (b) have some, any, personality. In case you need help identifying those people, they are Vonsall, Carrie, Bo and Constantine.

In other reality-related news, CNN is reporting that Trump is rumoured to have paid $1M to the cruise ship that was recently struck by the 7ft wave to have it return to NY early so it could appear on The Apprentice. Without this financial incentive the ship would probably not have ended the cruise early, or sailed through a raging storm. If true, I think the vacationers should sue his ass and tell the Trumpster: you’re fired.

Written by admin

April 21st, 2005 at 7:03 am

Posted in Music,Rants

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I Hate Computers

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I tried installing my employer’s VPN client off my new thumb drive yesterday, the machine had to reboot and it never came back up. Tried booting ‘last known good configuration’ but that doesn’t work, can’t even get into safe mode, gets so far and reboots. I tried the XP recovery console but it lists no services and says it can’t read the directory. I thought I’d put another install on my C drive, boot from it and see what I could do but the install CD says the CD drive needs to be formatted. Well, first, no, and second if it is unformatted how come just a few minutes ago you read the boot sequence from it?? I hate computers.

Last week at work I upgraded JDeveloper and Oracle’s Application Server and now my main project no longer executes properly. I know its a configuration issue but I really don’t have the interest in switching out files and parameters to fix what was never broken.

Did I tell you I hate computers?

Written by admin

April 18th, 2005 at 8:17 am

Posted in Computing,Rants

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Is There Nothing Google Can’t Do For You?

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We all know how great google maps are, now I discover they can lookup tracking numbers for you even when you don’t know the carrier. Just type in the number to google and it will determine your carrier and show you the page.

Written by admin

April 15th, 2005 at 7:08 am

Posted in Computing

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I’m really digging Fred on XM Radio right now, lots of great British bands I’d long forgotten. Today they played Sparks’ This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us, I don’t how long its been since I heard that. And who can forget the Sparks guy with the starey eyes that just looked at the camera the whole time?!

Written by admin

April 14th, 2005 at 8:35 am

Posted in Music

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