Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for July, 2009

San Diego Zoo Video

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My apartment in San Diego is quite close to the San Diego Zoo and now the zoo is open until 9pm at night, plenty of time to take a visit after work (we have annual passes). I took a trip and made a couple of videos, more to come over the summer.

San Diego Zoo Part 1 from Paul Sanders on Vimeo.

San Diego Zoo Aerial Tramway from Paul Sanders on Vimeo.

You can get a larger version of each video by clicking on the link beneath each clip.

Written by admin

July 20th, 2009 at 8:33 pm

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Still Walking…

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I’ve been using the iMapMyWalk application on the iPhone to record my walks. I’m sure there are very many of these things for the iPhone but this one seems to do all that I need. It can visually, and orally, show you the mileage, time elapsed, current and average speed.

To ensure GPS coverage I’ve been carrying it in my hand whilst I walk which no doubt makes me look like a prat but I figure it needs to see the sky. Battery life goes down quite quickly if you are listening to music at the same time though if you are out walking for 4 or 5 hours then you probably have something more professional to track your activity than this.

When the walk is over you can hit a button to upload your walk to the main site, and it will record the route, elapsed time etc and from there you can view it or share it on your blog like this:

They also have mapmyride, mapmyrun etc but they are all the same.

Written by admin

July 8th, 2009 at 9:13 am

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The Heat

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Summer is here and yes it’s pretty hot outside and only going to get worse but the biggest annoyance to me is the water. You can’t get cool water out of the tap any more. Want a glass of water? The stream will start cool but by the end of it you’ll be drinking luke warm water. Ick.

But it’s not just drinking water. This morning I was at the mall, using the gentleman’s facilities when I was aware of this hot blast of air on my tender behind. Yes, even the water in the toilets is hot, giving out a warm air onto your nether regions. Now I can’t say that it was unpleasant but not something I am used to.

Now back to the sofa and a fan….

Written by admin

July 4th, 2009 at 2:38 pm

Posted in General

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