Archive for February, 2012
So Long Twitter Peeps
I enjoy posting on Twitter and, although one shouldn’t microblog for the attention, it is nice when someone responds to something. I have a small group of 6 or 7 people who regularly say something to me and I appreciate the sense of community that brings. But 90% of my followers never say a word to me so I wonder why do they follow me at all?
A lot of these people are pilots so surely they’d be interested in my aviation related tweets? But no, my ten year pilot anniversary got not a single congrats, I toured the largest ATC facility in the world and no one was interested. Same with my plane building updates.
If I take a look at some of my pilot “buddies” I find comments about a pretty bird on a Cessna windshield gets a conversation of 20 tweets, an “I’m washing the plane” gets a load more.
So today I’m unfollowing a lot of people who don’t care what I write. It seems kind of petty but I don’t need to feel like the unwanted leper (are there wanted lepers??) online as well as in the “real” world.