Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Stupid Spammers

with one comment

Had to spend some time this evening implementing some hacks to the MINI blog website, after a period of no comment spam the onl*ne p*k*r dickheads were back in force. Hopefully I have them this time – I renamed the comment script and put a dummy form in the page which mentions the original filename but doesn’t appear on the screen. Well, I am sure it will hold them for a little while longer. Next up will be blacklists! Kinda over the top for a pointless little site like mine.

Tuesday morning update: here’s something new…. trackback spam? This morning this website had a bunch of trackback’s from the dickheads, I’ve not seen that before.

Written by admin

January 31st, 2005 at 10:23 pm

Posted in Computing,Rants

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