Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Schools and Airports

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Every month in the AOPA magazine there are reports of cities, counties whatever wanting to put houses and schools next to airports or, amazingly, under the approach path to airports. In the latest magazine plans are discussed for Oxnard, Riverside and Miami to name just three. Apart from the obvious safety issues, who wants to go to school next to busy airport noise? Same with homes, if you don’t love aviation why would you buy a house next to an airport? Now, in many cases the developers or city officials hope that once moved in they will complain and get the airport closed (“no I had no idea there would be airport noise when I bought this house next to the runway”) which most of the time is impossible as any airport that has accepted federal funds is obliged to keep the airport open for 25 years.

Written by admin

September 4th, 2004 at 5:05 pm

Posted in Flying

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