Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for the ‘Plane Build’ Category

Airplane Build Milestone: Slats Complete

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I suspect that most of you aren’t following along with my plane building log so I thought I would report on passing our first (or maybe that is second?) milestone: completion of the slats.

The slats attach to the front of each wing and serve to allow the plane to fly at much slower speeds without stalling. This gives us the plane’s impressive (100ft) takeoff and landing distances. There are actually only two slats, when the wings are complete we will join pairs of slats together to form just one on each side. Now that the slats are complete, we have started on the flaperons.

You can see all the slats related pictures on the Flickr set but here are a few to give you a flavour.

Written by admin

January 18th, 2011 at 11:16 am

Posted in Plane Build