Archive for July, 2007
Christmas in July?
Went to the Imperial Valley Mall as usual on Saturday, first store we see has a giant posted of Father Christmas in the window. I’m like wtf? The banner proclaims “Look who we’ve got inside” or some such message. A look through the window showed a display of Christmas ornaments and assorted crap. I wanted to go inside and shout “Don’t you know it’s only fricken’ July” but I was distracted by the shouts of “orange chicken?” and “sample?” from the nearby Chinese eaterie.
It’s Official: is crap
I usually get my morning news from two sources – the liars and cheaters at the BBC, and CNN. had been getting more and more video-oriented so I had been finding their site less and less useful but the new redesigned webpage takes uselessness to a whole new level. There is hardly any actual news on the web page these days. So, this morning, it came off my bookmarks. Need to find a replacement, maybe MSNBC?
Reality Show Roundup
- So You Think You Can Dance is easily the best reality show on TV
- Why is there not one, but two, shows on right now to do with getting the words right to a song? Ack.
- What’s the deal with the Bollywood, ahem, dancer getting to the final 20 in America’s Got Talent? Talk about crap!
- Everything else is even worse, I can’t even bear to look at Pirate Master.
Cheaper PS3s and iPhones
Well almost.
- In case you missed it, the 60GB PS3 is now down to $499 and if you hurry you can buy it now and get 6 free (though admittedly lame) Blu-ray discs, and a free remote controller to go, with it. No, there still aren’t many good games but one reason to buy now is that the Playstation2 emulation will soon be software-based soon rather than in hardware.
- The rumours are flying about the iPhone nano. Much smaller and much cheaper are good, though I still think that I don’t really want a phone-capable iPhone.
- Finally, there is word of the iPhone Shuffle – it will be even smaller than the nano, and will only be capable of dialing random people from your contacts list.
Hot Hot Hot!

That iPhone dealie
Of course several people came into work this morning with their shiny (but fingerprint smudged) new iPhone. I got to cop a feel of one and figured I would write the following mini-review:
- wow, much smaller than I thought
- the user interface is really to die for
- yikes, the EDGE network is s-l-o-w
- the earpiece is way too quiet to actually hear a conversation on, needs a headphone
- when they finally bring out a media-only version, I want it.