Archive for September, 2007
Talking of Amy
You can find a live album of hers on the iTunes Music Store, iTunes Festival: London – Amy Winehouse (Live). She sounds good but not quite as edgy sounding as in Friday’s videos. And also look out in November as her first album is finally getting a US release. I’ve not heard it so no idea how good it is.
In other news, I’ll be upgrading all the guapacha sites to WordPress 2.3 sometime soon so if these sites stop working, don’t panic dear reader, I’ll have it all back as soon as I can.
Video of the Week
It’s back, baby, and it’s Amy singing live. Watch out for the crazy censoring of Me and Mr Jones in the second half!
Two Years On
Today is the two year anniversary of my mother’s death. It feels like much longer than two years and it seems like it is wrong to feel that way, that somehow that betrays her memory. Not that I don’t think about her often – she certainly would have loved the Alaska trip, and when thinking of future visits home it is hard to remember that she won’t be there to cook my bacon sarnies, or to fall asleep in front of whatever movie we might be watching.
A day to look back and fondly remember.
In Case You Need Help Today
Two instructional videos for Talk Like a Pirate Day:
Citizenship Interview…. Almost.
One of the items in the meaty stack of mail delivered whilst on the cruise was an invitation from the INS to have a chat about my US citizenship application aka ‘the interview’. Scheduled for October 10th I had plenty of time to study the question bank, but this weekend I got another letter saying that ‘due to unforeseen circumstances’ my interview had been canceled. The letter says they will be in touch should they reschedule.
One of my Favourite Times of Year
Yep, looks like I’ve survived another Imperial Valley summer, temps are getting back below 100. Time to fill up the hot tub and dust off the grill!

Back from Alaska
Arrived back from Alaska in the wee hours of the morning after a long day’s traveling (though nothing compared to my Dad’s). No near-naked girls to report this time, instead a broken water heater leaking into the garage; just never possible to ease back into reality it seems. Hopefully the plumber man will return to install the new heater any moment, he needs to as we have piles of laundry like you wouldn’t believe.
Obviously there will be more Alaska posts to come. Right now I am sorting through 896 pictures to come up with those worth keeping. I’ll post some here but you’ll need to check out my flickr page to see them all.
Toodles for now.