Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for June, 2008

Rumours of my death etc …

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Yeah, I am still alive (as you would know if you follow my twittering), at least by the medical definitions. Some random stuff….

  • ever since saying I was cutting back on food and alcohol it seems like I have vastly increased the amount of each I am consuming; this needs to stop
  • my department at work is at the beginning of a big re-organisation with London taking all the power, which probably means layoffs. Am I at risk? I’d say somewhat. Maybe less than some, definitely more than others. Time will tell.
  • was supposed to be going back to England for a couple of days for work but the changes have that on hold until the end of July, if at all
  • the annual bonus is due July 3rd, am eyeing up purchases such as a Kindle for Teri, an iPhone for me, or perhaps Apple TV. Oh, and a Lear Jet if I’ve done really well
  • summer is here in the Imperial Valley, last weekend saw 116F/47C, night temps are still down to the high 70’s though for now

Er, that’s it I guess. As you can see, nothing going on worthy of the electrons.

Written by admin

June 27th, 2008 at 1:35 pm

Posted in General

An Odd Dream Indeed

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I have very vivid dreams when I sleep, often I can’t remember them but sometimes, if I make a real effort at the time, I do: like this one from Friday night.

Teri, Erin and I are at db‘s place. We’re looking at puppies and kittens for adoption; db has a ton of them up for grabs. After playing with some animals a while, db says he knows what would go really well with the kitten we like. He disappears for a bit and comes back with a red haired baby and puts him in my lap. He’s cute, the kitten’s cute so we say we’ll take them both. And that was pretty much it.

Often I try to interpret my dreams, or at least the thoughts that triggered them, but this one I am leaving alone.

Written by admin

June 9th, 2008 at 7:27 pm

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Lazy Asses at Work

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I’m so tired of the lazy asses at work. We’re supposed to be professionals but perhaps because we are in the games industry it’s ok to be an immature lazy ass?

  • At least 3 or 4 times a week the stalls in the toilets don’t get flushed, or the person before me has flushed but left the seat protector on the seat. If you don’t think my ass is clean enough that you want yours touching the same seat, what makes you think I want to pick up a piece of paper that your oh-so-clean derrière has been on? And as for not flushing at all, there are no words fit for this blog.
  • We get free sodas at work, it’s a fairly new thing and proving pretty popular. It didn’t take long for our admin assistant to decide she was above restocking the fridge so now its up to us to keep it supplied. No big deal, see it empty – go get some cans. But no, see it empty, leave it that way until someone else does it for you. Or, go to the cupboard and take one can for yourself and leave the fridge empty. What next – you need me to flush the toilet for you??? Ah, yes….

Written by admin

June 4th, 2008 at 12:33 pm

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Single of the Week

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Sadly, unavailable in the US in any format, so you’ll have to go to the British or antipodean music outlets to get a copy of the single or her album. Anyway, a bit of an Amy Winehouse feel to her voice but in a cute 16 year old Australian body, rather than a worn out drugged one. Without further ado, here’s Gabriella Cilmi with Sweet About Me:

Written by admin

June 2nd, 2008 at 9:46 am

Posted in General