Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Archive for November, 2005

Stay Extended

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Thought I would update my immigration status, lest you be worried that I am soon to be carried off in the night by dark-suited goons. I recently received a letter from the USCIS to let me know my conditional permanent residence has been extended a year pending processing of my application to become a permanent permanent resident. The letter says it will be a minimum of 330 days before I hear anything from them and to, basically, leave them the hell alone for a year. The processing times page currently shows them working on cases filed in June so I might hear from them earlier, who knows.

In real immigration news, the White House this week published a Fact Sheet: Securing America Through Immigration Reform which surprisingly contains some very good ideas. I hope that many of the items contained therein come to fruition.

Written by admin

November 30th, 2005 at 8:49 am

Posted in America

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And it Just Keeps Getting Better

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This really is turning into quite the year: yesterday, the group I am contracted to announced they were terminating everyone’s contract at the end of the year and would only be rehiring some of us. Given where I think this group is moving towards I am pretty confident that my name won’t be on that list so I’ve no idea what I will be doing come January 1 (well, other than singing Auld Lang Syne at midnight). The company I work for will probably keep me on doing something for them but, for now, I’ve really no idea. We are supposed to here by the end of the week as to who stays and who goes.

Written by admin

November 29th, 2005 at 7:28 am

Posted in General

Desert Weather

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This weekend was quite special for variations of weather. We had a day where it was in the high 70s, then a day and night with 30 mph winds. Last night it was down to 36F at 3 in the morning (I know this because I was up trying to persuade our large dog to let the little dog into the kennel so it didn’t freeze it’s bottom off).

Look, I’m British, so of course I’m going to talk about the weather!

Written by admin

November 28th, 2005 at 1:19 pm

Posted in Imperial Valley

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Thanksigiving Jelly – Yumm!

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I love turkey. I love jelly – or rather, for my American readers, I love jell-o – so why not combine the two with your very own turkey shaped jelly! Who wants some?!

Written by admin

November 23rd, 2005 at 9:44 am

Posted in General

Are People Out of Their Minds?

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Written by admin

November 22nd, 2005 at 12:28 pm

Posted in General

My New Obsession

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woot ! for a daily deal that can’t be beat, and a write-up that will make you laugh – can’t ask for much more than that!

Written by admin

November 21st, 2005 at 3:22 pm

Posted in General

Another Sad Day

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During my research into treatments and procedures for brain tumours I read many personal web pages documenting struggles against brain tumours, most were unfortunately for people who had already passed but there were two that were putting up a good fight. Although I don’t know either person it did feel like we were all in this together so I am saddened today to read that one of them died over the weekend. The irony is that she was tumour-free, and had been for many months. Rather it was the radiation treatment that killed her, eventually causing the destruction of her brain’s healthy cells. Others may disagree, but its clear to me that a brain tumour is one of the absolute worst diagnoses you could get, its a real death sentence, and with not much time to get ready for it. And as the brave woman who lost her fight this weekend shows, even if you are able to get rid of it, the cure is likely just as bad as the disease.

Written by admin

November 21st, 2005 at 10:15 am

Posted in General

How Much Is Your Blog Worth??

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dollars is worth $3,387.24

How much is your blog worth?

Technorati logo

My MINI blog is worth $3,951.78 and my flying blog is worth absolutely nothing!

Written by admin

November 18th, 2005 at 8:25 am

Posted in Computing

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Don’t You Wish You Were Me?

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Here’s my daily evening schedule when at the loveshack – don’t you wish you led my exciting life?

  • Get home sometime between 4.30pm and 5pm
  • 5pm – 6pm Watch Home Improvement whilst eating turkey sandwich
  • 6pm – 7pm Watch Seinfeld
  • 7pm Watch The Simpsons
  • 7.30pm Watch yet more Seinfeld
  • 8pm Play Fifa Soccer 2005 on my XBox
  • 9pm Watch CSI/Law & Order/SVU/CI
  • 10pm Watch CSI/Law & Order/SVU/CI
  • 11pm Watch The Simpsons
  • 11.30pm Watch Seinfeld, fall asleep

Written by admin

November 18th, 2005 at 7:35 am

Posted in Rants,San Diego

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Two Bits of Good News

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1. Ex-criminal Martha Stewart’s lame-o show is being cancelled after the first series.
2. I won the Football pool at work! I know nothing about football so this is a finger in the eye to all the people who studied the stats all week to make their picks. Maybe this means I will win the $315M lotto tonight!

Google have just announced their new, free, website access tracking tool – Google Analytics and I’ve added it to my three blogging domains today. It takes some time for data to start coming in so I don’t yet know the innermost secrets of the people who come here. But I will!

Written by admin

November 14th, 2005 at 4:37 pm

Posted in Computing

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