Archive for May, 2009
So I’m certainly the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life, and most likely the least fit too. It’s time to do something about it. Small steps at first (ha ha, a pun!), going to do some walks here in San Diego in the evening and maybe try to get onto some of our exercise equipment at home (though the 110F temps make that difficult), get some weight off and get into better shape.
Tonight was Walk 1, and you can see the details at this handy map from, great site for mapping out hikes and bike rides. I’m not quite sure how to use it properly yet but I got it close.
There is an iPhone app to go with it that will record everything for me, so I will use that next time.
Just under 2 miles, I’ll grow that to longer and longer as the time goes by. Or give up and embrace my fat self!
Credit Card Statement Fail
Swine Flu In Da House
Even puppets aren’t immune – who knew?