Random thoughts of a Brit living in the Imperial Valley of California

Desert Weather

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Everyone is aware of the heat that one endures in the desert during the summer months, but many people don’t realise that we also get some nasty winds that pick up the dust and create little blizzards. Of course, Saturday I had my MINI detailed so last night the winds were fierce and down by Imperial Airport there were patches where you could not see more than a few feet where the dust was being blown across the road. I’m glad I was only driving by and not trying to land there. So today the MINI has a nice film of dust on it; still looks good though.

Another interesting thing about desert life is that when its hot outside the water in the toilet bowl gets hot. When you sit down to do your business, sometimes you get a real warm blast of air up between your legs. And not a lotta people know that.

Written by admin

September 20th, 2004 at 9:02 am

Posted in Imperial Valley,MINI

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